Writer of screenplays, fiction and brand stories.
Blogger at Final Draft.
Fairytale addict, Trekkie and Superhero Fangirl.
After seeing her first big screen movie 007: License to Kill at age six, a questionable parenting move she still thanks her parents for, Karin naturally became obsessed with writing action-infused stories. The next time she’d see Benicio del Toro was in person, twenty-six years later at the 68th Cannes Film Festival. He was there for the Sicario red carpet, she was there for her first produced short film in the basement of the Palais…same-same.
In between, Karin traded her small town for a Creative Writing Degree and urban life in the next city over, where she worked her way from magazine intern to interviewing Maggie Q, then went all-in on a freelance writing career. The pay-off was landing management with the same company as Princess Jasmine (because she’s a nerd like that) at Echo Lake Entertainment, a Top 3 placement in Final Draft’s Big Break, and the incomparable feeling of belonging in one’s own skin when behind her pink MacBook, make-believing.
Usually too terrified to talk, Karin is pro at becoming friends with the loudest person in the room. Stemming from an over-protective mother that created fear as a guiding principle for life, Karin’s favorite type of characters are women who stand up to the Big Bad…while she spends her own days editing screenplays and contributing to the Final Draft blog (everyone needs a day job), and not going into the woods she lives next to; because why would you tempt the dark side when there’s a perfectly paved road to walk?
THE POTENTIALS “Becoming Aphrodite”
2022 Stage32 Sci-Fi/Fantasy Screenwriting Competition Finalist
2022 Stage32 Female Driven Screenwriting Competition Semifinalist
2022 ScreenCraft Fellowship Quarterfinalist
2022 Stage32 Female Driven Screenwriting Competition Finalist
2021 ScreenCraft TV Pilot Quarterfinalist
2020 Table Read My Screenplay – Genre: Drama Top 100
2017 ITV Fest Official Screenplay Selection
2017 ScreenCraft Screenwriters Residency Program Semifinalist
2017 Hollyshorts Film Festival Official Screenplay Selection (an Academy Awards® Qualifying Festival)
2017 ScreenCraft Short Film Fund Semifinalist
THE FLASH “The Conductor”, spec script
2016 Final Draft Big Break Contest Top 3
THE OTHER ROOM, writer + director
2015 ScreenCraft Short Film Fund Semifinalist
2015 Cannes Film Festival Short Film Corner
I’m represented by Echo Lake Entertainment’s Chelsea Benson.